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Our production - quality with tradition

You can be sure that our team understands its craft. But that's not enough on its own. Our results depend on quality materials. Therefore we offer a wide range of steels - from simple strip steel to high-alloy blade steel. On top of this, our partners supply us with excellent machines enabling us to achieve the best possible results. We also work with custom machines, built exclusively for us. And: What once began in our company as punching technology has now given way to precise laser cutting. This makes us even better. And we want to continue to be so in the future. So we ensure continual quality improvement - by investing in progress, but also innovation, for example, by developing our own identification system which allows us to trace when a blade was produced, at any time.

And because we are so keen on quality, we also have products from 3M in our range as a result of taking over the Southern German agency in 2012. You can also rest assured: We carry out cutting trials with every new blade manufactured in-house - this in-house inspection ensures the quality of our products. 


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